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The back-to-school revolution, FlyCopter the opportunity not to be missed ;-)

The startup that is rising and accelerating is us FlyCopter Project SAS.

If you don't already know, we have found the missing technological brick to revolutionize mass mobility, a stabilized nacelle developed as a world first on a new generation two-seater hybrid electric vehicle.

Mobility and the automobile are mainly responsible for many current ills, air pollution, CO2 emissions, environmental impact, climate change, land artificialization, overconsumption, and road danger, we must develop alternative, complementary solutions. and innovative.

The time for change has arrived, the climate emergency must allow us to drive major changes in our habits, new technologies enable new developments to have a lasting impact on our common future.

FlyCopter project SAS co-founded in 2023 is a Breton family business pioneer in the design of a vehicle capable of taking off vertically from less than 20m² to then fly using the air to reduce its consumption and gain speed.

Beyond the comfort of a nacelle as stable for passengers as a stabilized camera video, we solve the problem of flight transition to allow door-to-door use, like a bird taking off from its nest.

Letters of intent to purchase are already available on our website, we also need private funds and industrial partners to build this sector as precursors, or rebuild the automotive sector.

Greentech for some, sovereign for others, don't miss this new market capable of reducing our carbon footprint, transport inequalities, global energy consumption, the isolation of territories and populations, rapid access to services. emergency and health, and to revive the economy.

The action is now and the sky is the limit.

Happy back to school everyone,

Alain Thibaudeau

DG and DT FlyCopter Project SAS





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